Ecclesiastes 3:15
King James Version
15 That which hath been is now;
and that which is to be hath already been;
and God requireth that which is past.
Are you surprised Trump won again?
I'm not, for SPIRIT led me to a verse the other day.
Indicating his win.
The verse above dunnit.
A verse that felt tailor-made for Donald Trump.
At least, for this point in time, in his candidacy.
You see, I always look to JESUS for answers.
And wait for SPIRIT to lead me to Scripture for the verses.
It has been that way five years now since GOD made me born again.
My confidence is in the LORD alone.
Strange, how that verse was so accurate.
I knew then that he could win.
That is, if no one cheats him.
And if I had rightly understood the verse.
That's why we wrote this last 4 November:
We shall republish here how we "rightly-divided" the verse.
Something SPIRIT taught me five years now:
"That which hath been is now;"
Trump was 45th U.S. president; seems he will become 47th.
"and that which is to be hath already been;"
If Trump is to win now, it was because he had already won before.
"and God requireth that which is past."
That feels like GOD will make past-president Trump the 47th.
JD Vance, Trump's running mate, wins as Vice-President, too!
We knew he was quite a candidate.
That's why we wrote this last 11 October:
Yes, it's time to "Make America Great Again!"
The LORD made it all possible!
GOD wants change, too.
Many people have suffered enough.
Many are in error.
Israel will be safe now.
Trump has always helped her.
America can get back on her feet.
Her masses will be heard now.
She will heal all over again.
The world will be safer now.
THANKS to the LORD JESUS, Who heard all our prayers!
All because we love Israel, too.
Did you really think GOD would have given you the victory, if you didn't love Israel, His chosen nation?
GOD did say:
Genesis 12:3
King James Version
3 And I will bless them that bless thee,
and curse him that curseth thee:
and in thee shall all families of the earth
be blessed.
Let us celebrate the American people's victory!
Let us celebrate president Trump's victory!
Let us celebrate CHRIST's victory over Satan!
This was real SPIRITUAL warfare, mind you.
America will be great again.
She will heal again.
You will be safe again.
GOD bless you, President TRUMP!
GOD bless all of you, the American people!
Prepare for a strengthened America!
ENJOY this day, your victory!
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